Overview of FOSS/Open Source Sustainability and Pay The Maintainers movements.
Discussing open source sustainability with any four people will quickly bring up a dozen different conversations, based on how each person is related to open source. To keep conversations productive, it helps to define what aspects of sustainability you’re considering.
Even if we confine sustainability to just “common open source projects”, the important points may be very different for someone working in a software company, versus lone maintainers, versus academics, or anyone else. This site offers context to discussions with a framework of major aspects to consider.
Each of these constituencies has their own needs and abilities to effect change; they also often have different vocabularies for talking about the issues. Review a few of these groups, and see what commonalities are there if we could only more easily translate the vocabularies. These span the perspective from the average computer user, to the entire ecosystem of computing. The specific goals here are for improving social, financial, and software ecosystem sustainability of all the people who build the open source software running computers worldwide.
What kinds of vocabulary or taxonomy that are most effective when working with these kinds of groups.
Timescale typically needed to create significant behavior change in this group.
How broad an effect changes in behavior that one member of this group may have.
Other groups or aspects this group directly connects to/is similar to/often considers in their work.